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CASCA – Prix d’excellence des étudiants finissants en anthropologie / Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards

Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Awards

This award, launched in 2017, aims to help Canadian university and college anthropology departments recognize their top graduating Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students and to promote awareness of CASCA.

Each spring, departments may select one top student at each level of study who has graduated or will be graduating in that academic year to receive an award from CASCA. This is not a national competition; CASCA will send awards for one student at each level to each department. Students specializing in any subfield are eligible, as long as their degree is primarily in anthropology. The selection process is up to the department, but we hope that the strength of the student’s anthropological research is a priority in the decision.

CASCA accepts nominations for the awards from February 1 to May 15 each year. To be eligible, students must graduate between June 15 of the previous year and June 15 of the current year. There is no cost for the institution and the students need not be members of CASCA.

A paper certificate and letter of congratulations, signed by our President, will be mailed to the department for each award winner by about May 31. The department should then give or mail these to the winning graduands. Award winners will be acknowledged publicly on the CASCA website as soon as possible thereafter.

To name the award winners, a faculty member should fill in this form.

Contact if you have any questions about the awards.

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