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Two awards for Kathy M’Closkey

imageKathy M’Closkey, Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Windsor, ON, was recently given two awards in recognition of her research and activism. The Navajo board of Dine’ Studies granted her the “Excellence in Diné Studies” award during the 21st conference held at Diné College, Tsaile, AZ, October 27, 2018. The board expressed their appreciation by presenting her with a beautiful ‘plate’ designed and painted by Acoma potter Sherry Aragon. The second award for “Human Rights and Social Justice,” was granted by the Office of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility at the University of Windsor during their annual open house December 7, 2018.

Kathy is also a research associate with IPinCH, Intellectual Property in Cultural Heritage, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, and a contributor to the Repatriation Working Group, American Association of Indian Affairs. She recently co­ authored the brochure “How to Buy Authentic Navajo (Diné) Weavings,” for the Indian Arts and Crafts Board, U. S. Department of the Interior. Her book Why the Navajo Blanket Became a Rug: Excavating the Lost Heritage of Globalization, will be published by the University of New Mexico Press.


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